Will Google Search Be the Next to Join Killed by Google?
Google Search Is Dying for Me – LLMs Took Over.
Two years ago, Google held an emergency meeting over ChatGPT. Today, I realized that I barely use Google Search anymore. Why waste time sifting through links and ads when I can just ask an LLM and get a clear, concise answer?
As an ordinary user, I’ve found that AI has become my go-to tool for daily work, especially in development, writing, and idea generation.
If this trend continues, Google Search might eventually end up on Killed by Google—a site tracking all of Google’s discontinued projects.
- There’s the idea that chat services will use Google Search as a backend, but in fact, many AI services and crawlers scan sites more intensively than Google Search already. I’ve seen this myself in Google Analytics.
- Google Search seems like a finished product that has been making money for years without much investment in research. AI chat systems, however, are currently spending heavily on research and development, and it’s unclear what the final product will look like or how AI will generate revenue in the end.